the chaos realm
what comes now is only a metaphor, for a lack of appropriate terms. once in a while, a maelstrom emerges within this place, which in most cases dissolves after a while. sometimes, however, it becomes dense and ends up in a new being. this being needs some time to gain consciousness and to realize it even exists. then it starts wandering around... since there isn't much to discover on this plane, it soon starts wandering the other planes, gaining knowledge and eventually developing a personality - if it doesn't dissolve and nobody absorbs it while it is still weak...
the energy inside the chaos realm is highly unstable, i.e. it's very easy to control. you think of something, it's there. which can be dangerous for visitors because if they think of fire and believe it can burn them, it'll hurt a lot. the resident demons can also alter the visitor's surroundings in order to drain his/her energy.